Religious Education registration mandatory parents meeting July 13, 2023
Registro de Educación Religiosa reunión de padres obligatoria 14 de julio de 2023

We are opening registration for our Religious Education Program 2023-24. Don't forget that the MAIN mission of parents is to bring their children into heaven. Our children need to know and love our FAITH. To complete registration, you need to attend this info session. PARENTS ONLY.
PLEASE rsvp for the info session here:

Estamos abriendo inscripción para nuestro Programa de Educación Religiosa 2023-24. No olvides que la misión PRINCIPAL de los padres es llevar a sus hijos al cielo. Nuestros hijos necesitan conocer y amar nuestra FE. Para completar el registro, debes asistir a esta sesión de información. SOLO PADRES.
POR FAVOR reserva tu participación en la sesión de información aquí:
"In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him (her) in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him (her) up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?"
Rite of Baptism for Children