Become A Member Of The Society Of St. Vincent De Paul
Show your love of Jesus by becoming a Vincentian.
The Vincentian ministry has as its primary focus the spiritual growth and well-being of its members and are compelled by their Catholic Christian faith to serve those who are needy and suffering. Ministry members provide intake calls for assistance, make home visits, arrange for payment of basic emergency support such as rent, utilities, food, clothing, and other special support as funding permits. A member will be required to undergo training, attend monthly meetings and must be a Catholic in good standing with the church.
Contact: Michael Iddings (English) 916-332-4779 (Leave message)
Muestra tu amor por Jesús convirtiéndote en Vicentino.
El ministerio Vicenciano tiene como objetivo principal el crecimiento espiritual y el bienestar de sus miembros y su fe católica los obliga a servir a los mas necesitados y a los que sufren. Los miembros del ministerio atienden llamadas que solicitan ayuda, hacen visitas domiciliarias, realizan pagos de emergencia como alquiler, servicios públicos, comida, ropa y otras ayudas especiales según lo permitan los fondos. Se requerirá que los miembros realicen una capacitación, asistan a reuniones mensuales y sean católicos en regla con la iglesia.
Contacto: Angelica Vega 916-752-8881 (Español)
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in Saint Lawrence parish office conference room at 7:00 pm.
Are you in need of assistance?
If you are in need of assistance and live in the cities with the zip codes below:
McClellan, 95652
North Highlands, 95660
Sacramento, 95842
Antelope, 95843
and need to contact the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Saint Lawrence conference, please leave a voicemail at (916) 332-4779, email us at svdp.intake@stlawrencenh.org or fill out the form below to submit your contact information and question. Messages are checked Monday through Friday. We will respond within 24 to 48 hours.
Donate Now!
You can make an immediate donation to the St. Lawrence Chapter of St. Vincent DePaul to help those in need in our area. Thank You for your support and God Bless you.
Click on the Donate Now button below and when it takes you to the donation site:
under My Donation, select St. Vincent de Paul
enter the amount you want to give
select whether this is a recurring or one time donation
See example below