If you or someone you know would be interested in joining or learn more about the Catholic Faith, please let the Parish Office know your name and phone number.
Call the Parish office if you would like more information at (916) 332-4777

We have great news! Through the generosity of our parishioners we have acquired a Parishwide subscription to Formed. You only need to go to https://formed.org/signup ... Type: St. Lawrence the Martyr and voila! You have access to hundreds of Catholic resources both in English and Spanish.
¡Tenemos buenas noticias! Gracias a la generosidad de nuestros feligreses, hemos adquirido una suscripción a Formed para toda la parroquia. Solo necesitas ir a https://formed.org/signup ... Escribe: St. Lawrence the Martyr y ¡listo! Tienes acceso a cientos de recursos católicos tanto en inglés como en español.