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Lazarus Ministry

Ministerio Lázaro

Members assist in:

  • preparing the church for the Funeral Mass,

  • making certain the church environment is clean and welcoming for the family and guests.

  • providing support to parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one.


A member may:

  • proclaim the Word,

  • make pulpit announcements,

  • assist with placement of the pall/religious items and, 

  • carryout other functions that support the priest, family members and Funeral Home personnel.

A Ministry member must be a practicing Catholic and be in good standing with the church.
Contact: Paula Edwards 916-849-5701 (English)
Paul Mendoza 916-749-9113 (English/Spanish)

Los miembros del ministerio:

  • ayudan a preparar la iglesia para la misa de funeral,

  • Se aseguran de que el ambiente de la iglesia sea limpio y acogedor para la familia y los invitados.

  • Brindan apoyo a los feligreses que han sufrido la pérdida de un ser querido.


Un miembro puede:

  • proclamar la Palabra,

  • hacer anuncios desde el púlpito,

  • ayudar con la colocación del pall/arô€†¡culos religiosos y

  • llevar a cabo otras funciones que apoyen al sacerdote, los familiares y el personal de la funeraria.

Un miembro de este Ministerio debe ser católico
practicante y estar al día con la iglesia.
Contactos: Paula Edwards 916-849-5701 (Inglés)
Paul Mendoza 916-749-9113 (Inglés/Espánol)


4325 Don Julio Blvd

North Highlands, California 95660



"Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize, that is to say, in order to preach and teach, to be the channel of the gift of grace, to reconcile sinners with God, and to perpetuate Christ's sacrifice in the Mass, which is the memorial of His death and glorious resurrection."


Pope Saint Paul VI- Evangelii Nuntiandi 14 

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