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Music Ministry

Ministerio de Música

The Music Ministry adds to the richness of the Mass by supporting and encouraging the active participation of the faithful through song and response. Parishioners, adults, or youth with musical skills, instrumental or vocal, are encouraged to be part of one of the various choirs (English, Spanish or Bilingual). A ministry member must be a practicing Catholic and be in good standing with the church.


Contacts for: 
English Choirs: Patrick Murray 530-604-2452; Tony Neria 916-705-3444
Spanish Choirs: Victoria Arroyo 916-267-0448, Gerado Cabanas 916-743-2494 Roberto Gervacio 916-349-6619
Bilingual Choir: Ana Barraza 559-512-9370

El Ministerio de Música aumenta la riqueza de la Misa apoyando y fomentando la participación activa de los fieles a través del canto y la respuesta. Feligreses, adultos, o jóvenes con habilidades musicales, instrumentales o vocales, son invitados a ser parte de uno de los diversos coros inglés, español o bilingüe). Los miembros de este ministerio deben ser católicos activos y estar al día con la iglesia.


Contactos para:

coros en Inglés: Patrick Murray 530-604-2452, Tony Nería 916-705-3444
Coros en Español: Victoria Arroyo 916-267-0448, Cabañas Gerardo 916-743-2494, Roberto Gervacio 916-349-6619
Coro Bilingüe: Ana Barraza 559-512-9370


4325 Don Julio Blvd

North Highlands, California 95660



"Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize, that is to say, in order to preach and teach, to be the channel of the gift of grace, to reconcile sinners with God, and to perpetuate Christ's sacrifice in the Mass, which is the memorial of His death and glorious resurrection."


Pope Saint Paul VI- Evangelii Nuntiandi 14 

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